Page 6 - Marvel 11 Periodical - Demo
P. 6

41. – 50. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde
                  tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

               41.  ---- because I have to stay in and do my    44.  When an elephant drinks water, ----.
                                                                   A)  adult males generally travel alone
                   A)  We had been late for school                 B)  they eat roots, leaves, fruit and grasses
                   B)  My teacher was angry with me                C)  it can also use it to grasp an entire tree
                   C)  I cannot find my keys anywhere                  branch
                   D)  My mum and dad were out for dinner          D)  they used their trunks to help them keep
                   E)  I can't go out tonight                          cool
                                                                   E)  it sucks nearly 7.5 litres of it into its trunk at
                                                                       a time

               42.  Since Handan didn't hear the doorbell, ----.   45.  ----, but nobody answered.

                   A)  the postman thanked her for the lemonade    A)  Because they are going to write an essay
                   B)  their neighbours were on holiday            B)  I called the office many times
                   C)  her sister goes to the gym every weekend    C)  The teacher will ask me a question
                   D)  she missed the pizza delivery     D)  The students were making too much noise
                   E)  the lovely kitten drank its milk            E)  Before the bell rang

               43.  ----, but industrialization certainly made it   46.  ---- before free citizens became gladiators,
                   spread so quickly.                              too.

                   A)  The sea animals came ashore regularly to    A)  Wounded gladiators could lay down their
                      lay eggs                                         shield
                   B)  Many animal species will have died          B)  The origin of gladiatorial combat is open to
                   C)  Environmental pollution is as old as human      debate
                      existence itself                             C)  The gladiators wore splendid armour of
                   D)  After the industrial revolution started         gold and silver
                   E)   Pollutants occur naturally                 D)  Prisoners of war or slaves had fought as
                                                                   E)  The first gladiatorial games took place in

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